Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Troubles at Walmart

Good read reinforcing the importance of a heightened level of awareness. (link)

Plan B: Cower into the fetal position and hope for the best.


brownie said...

Um, couldn't the person have just turned around and walked back into the store? No matter what time it is, there are always TONS of people there. Oh wait, that's not nearly as cool as pulling a gun out. Glad that kid is learning at a young age to use firepower before brains. Hey, maybe he'll be president someday!

Smut Mutt said...

You must not have paid attention:
"Running with a seven year old girl in tow was not an option." And his kid was his daughter, not a "he".

"Tons of people there"??? Like there were at Lubys in Killeen, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Omaha mall, Northern Illinois, et al.

This guy didn't "shoot first & ask questions later". He utilized tactics and superior firepower to protect his daughter w/o firing a shot. They're both safe, badguys will move on to brownie-like-thinking prey. Drive safely.

mike said...

I rarely carry and have never pulled my gun. The closest I have come is several years ago in Houston (I ALWAYS carry in Houston, and Bastrop, and around 11th and Chicon in E Austin) when I reached under my shirt to the small of my back. That body language was enough, thank goodness.

And I do carry when I am with my daughter, depending on where we go.

SOrry Brownie, but there are bad guys out there, and as a parent of a young girl, I am acutely aware of it.

Impala Mama said...

Thanks for the good read. If more law abiding citizens carried a weapon, I truley belive we would have less violent crime.