Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shall Not Be Infringed

Though I never needed confirmation of the self-evident truth and God given individual right to keep an bear arms, the US Supreme Court finally addressed and confirmed today that the 2nd Amendment means what it says. Our founding fathers were so certain that God gave each of us the individual gift of life and that we have the right and moral obligation to protect this precious gift from tyranny, that they found it prudent to put these truths to paper for future reference in the Bill of Rights. The bastardization of these truths by the cult of feel-good liberals in the form of anti-American, anti-Constitutional, "gun-free zones" was a violent criminal's dream environment where innocent, law-abiding citizens are forced into unarmed helplessness resulting in the highest body count stacked up by evil perpetrators on the helpless sheep to slaughter. For shame.

The result will not be widespread shootouts in the streets; we heard those fantasies about concealed carry laws and they never happened. Next...

The decision confirms that the right to own arms is an individual right. Furthermore it confirms the right to bear arms, that is, an individual may not be required to lock up their arms in safe or store them at a gun club. It also confirms the right of the state to regulate arms, which is keeping them from felons and mental patients. Basically in line with the NRA and opposite of the democratic party's position.

So I celebrate this gun victory by buying bow. Go figure...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


... almost killed Shadow on Sunday. He's hashed with me though 5 summers now on much longer runs than Sunday's w/o a problem. 2nd half of the hash was only about 3 miles but it was 100 degrees with no shade. He started the classic "drunken walk" and collapsed. I got him to shade and gave him what water I had. Then I carried him to a water hydrant & got his core temp down. Glad I remembered what I read in that old SOF article - it saved his life.

After about 20 minutes he quit panting but his hind legs were extended and stiff, and they hurt like hell if I touched them. We got him into some AC and he was coming around but couldn't use his back legs so we got him to the ER. They started some phys therapy on him and I know it hurt like hell cause we could hear him howling. He apparantly had enough of that shit & got up on his own; much to our relief. They kept him overnight. The vet bill was pretty steep; wiped out the donation I'd been saving for B. Hussain Obama.

In other news I got a new (old) bow, Mathews Switchback. Gotta get another cam for it because the draw length's too long but I shot it anyway last night. Quite a bit different feel from my Browning, not better or worse, just different. It's wicked accurate and quiet. I predict it will be involved in the deaths of many animals.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Normandy Invasion

64 years ago today was the start of "Operation Overload", now known as D-Day. In the preparation leading up to it in April & May, 12,000 men were lost. On June 6, 150,000 allied troops stormed the beaches, about 1/2 American and there were 10,000 casualties the first day. Freedom isn't free. Celebrate it.