Thursday, May 07, 2009


The family apple orchard had always produced an abundance of super quality, firm, sweet, scrumptious apples due to the dedicated diligence, work ethic and attention to detail of the owner/operator Apple family. Of course, Mother Nature was helpful some years, and a real problem others. On bumper crop years, the Apple family could hire extra workers because the crop demanded so. Others, not so much.

At some point, a union organizer entered the scene, demanding a guaranteed wage for a guaranteed number of workers. Logic dictated that the fluctuation in productivity would ultimately determine profit and the capability to hire workers. But somehow, logic was abandoned by this new unionized workforce, and more horrifically, negotiations always seemed to insist on worker benefits but not quality, efficient productivity.

As fate would have it, following a particularly cold, dry spring, apple production fell off, but the workers insisted on being paid based on past, higher productivity. The Apple family simply couldn't pay what was not produced, and the union workers took over the orchard. Demanding more money than was coming in, and paying little heed to quality control, the bloodsucking whiners virtually guaranteed the ruination of the once great orchard, and ended up cutting down the trees to sell for firewood. Welcome to the Obama AF of L See I'm Sleeping America, or Zimbabwe, I can't tell.

Producers and parasites. Assets or liabilities. Can there really be a question?

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