Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Found this above the front porch this morning. This is NOT a photoshop hack!

That post below it is a 4x4.


Barbara said...

ICK!!!! That reminds me of AZ, you could jump up and down on one for 10 minutes and STILL not kill it. blah

brownie said...

Can't believe you didn't shoot it! Wus!

Smut Mutt said...

I've heard these called a "Giant Red headed centipede" and "redheaded stranger". Their bit hurts like hell.

Brownie: I squashed it with a shovel rather than shooting it because, (quoting you), "Maybe someday you'll be a real man and shoot at something that can fight back!"

PlaysByEar said...

Please tell me you didn't turn it into a food of some sort...

Smut Mutt said...

Well I'm not going to BBQ the damn thing ... but it didn't go to waste either.

brownie said...

I would have stalked it for days, and then killed it with my MRE spoon. If you still have it you can always mail it to Hung Like A Centipede.

Denial Queen said...

EWWW!!! I think that beats the giant water-mocasin I saw out my front door when I lived in Dallas. Is it now stuffed hanging over the fireplace?