Monday, March 19, 2007

Leg Cramp

Did zero running for 2 weeks. Then on Sunday did 6+ mile hash plus 2-mile hump back to the start so I could make my 7:30 softball game. On my 3rd at-bat I'm on first and our first baseman hit's a shot down the rightfield line. I jumped over it, took one step, and the calf said enough of this shit. I hopped to 2nd and almost got thrown out. Getting old sux.

After 4 years we finally got Shadow to bark on command. He rarely barks so this was quite a trick. Cindy accidently found out that word's with the 'ka' sound get him excited for some reason. It started with "Kitty Cat", then "Coo-Coo Clock". He gets riled up, starts whining, and will and eventually bark. "KKK" even works. Hitler wasn't such a bad name for him afterall.

1 comment:

dayoldfish said...

it took a few times on Sunday, but when he finally did it, was pretty cool