Monday, March 16, 2009


Finished butchering the feral sow I arrowed on Saturday, chopped up some spuds and fried them in a little olive oil with mega garlic salt & pepper until they were sizzlin & browned, added sow's t-loins, more garlic, then 5 scrambled eggs, salsa, and enjoyed the breakfast of a king. Farted all day but blamed them on Shadow. Plan to bring one porky butt to TXIH again.


machete said...

dude, can I put dibs in for some of that at TXIH? :D

a full on fry down? mebbe? you know fuknave will build like a compound or something.

Smut Mutt said...

My sincere condolences your grandpa passing. In the wind...

I'm bringing the butt to share with all. I brought one last year & threw it on Ass Grabber's smoker overnight. I cut it up & passed it around to whoever was at breakfast; it didn't last long. If there's no BBQ available I'll just bury it under some hot coals overnight. I'll look for ya but if you sleep till noon you might miss out.


machete said...

thanks man. much appreciated. no worries, I will try and be around for the partaking. :)

I usually can't sleep anyway when I drink heavily, so should work out just fine.