Thursday, April 16, 2009


brownie said...

He's also the KKK recruiter of the year as well. Funny how so many members of one group are members of the other...

PlaysByEar said...

Has Smut gone off the deep end?

Smut Mutt said...

Associating the KKK and NRA is like associating the Pittsburg pirates with Somali pirates.

Fact remains that firearm and ammo sales have skyrocketed since it looked like bami would win.

brownie said...

Well, except that Somalian pirates don't make up a huge chunk of Pittsburgh pirates membership.

Who do you think is buying the bulk of the new guns and ammo? Responsible hunters? Or far right wing nutballs?

Smut Mutt said...

I've met literally thousands of members at NRA events. (Have you?) KKK isn't mainstream NRA.

Mostly people trying to make some cash. Purchasing guns, ammo, and accessories before bans have historically been very good financial investments. I've seen items go up 5-10x in under a year.

brownie said...

No, but I've met literally thousands of various hate group members (working with prisoners, not because I attend meetings), and they all love the NRA! After all, who better to fight for the right of a convicted felon to bear arms!

Smut Mutt said...

NRA has always opposed felons and other disqualified individuals from obtaining weapons. They're the reason there's a background check in place now.

The only ones that want felons to own guns are felons, and the ACLU. Liberals don't want anyone to own guns, except themselves.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I know it's real hard to pass a background check at the local gun shows and pawn shops around here. I bet it's just as tough in Texas.

What else DQ's someone, besides being a felon? Is there any kind of basic mental health screen? Probably not, since BATT just got a concealed weapon license...

Smut Mutt said...

Good for BATT!

Because of the NRA, there's an national instant background check system (NICS) in place now. Dealers call an 800#, give them your name and SSN, receive a sale/no-sale response. This is required by all dealers whether they're at a gun shop, pawn shop, or gun show. How well the federal records are kept up is debatable; states have to update them of convictions and it's run by govt workers...

In addition to felons or fugitives, skipping child support, domestic violence convictions, a couple of other things in your history will disqualify you.

There is no verification of mental health because of the legal problem revealing medical records. There's just a check-box in the paperwork that you don't have mental health problems but even that's been brought under scrutiny because of self-incrimination.

brownie said...

There are no background checks for buying a gun. Anyone can get one at a pawn shop or gun show. I know this because I talk to people who should not be able to get a gun, who get guns regardless. Not that they couldn't go get one off the street anyways, but whatever background check is legally required is a farce.

Smut Mutt said...

Prove me wrong. Walk into a pawn shop & tell them you want to buy a gun w/o a background check. If they ask why just tell them it's illegal for you to buy one, or tell them you're a KKK member, or in the NRA.

Let me know hot it goes...

brownie said...

I'll tell 'em that, and I'll tell 'em I have an extensive criminal background. I'll then pull out a wad of cash and buy a gun. Have you ever been in a pawn shop? Is this news to you that this kind of thing happens every day?

Smut Mutt said...

Been to lots of them, lots of gun shows too. I've found prices and selection are better at gun shows.

You haven't really tried this yet have you?

brownie said...

I know lots of convicted felons who get guns at pawn shops and gun shows.

Smut Mutt said...

Consider your information source - convicted felons.

Tell you what... If you get credible knowledge of a pawn shop or dealer at a gun show is making illegal sales, turn them in to the BATF. I'll be happy, and you'll be a hero to everyone including the NRA, cops, Sarah Brady, etc.

brownie said...

My sources may not be as good as NRA propaganda, but some of it just might be true. I've called the ATF, they're too busy busting the marijuana smoking hippies up in Boulder.

Smut Mutt said...

Don't believe it. DEA enforces drug laws, not ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms).

Call ATF if you have credible evidence of illegal sales. They love busting dirty firearms dealers.