Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Whitetail Season Ends

That's a view from one of trees I hunted out of. The season ended in Williamson county on Jan 4. I probably hunted 30 times and only killed one doe. So much for deer hunting being easy...

We've got antler restrictions that really worked against me. The restriction is deer are off limits if they've got a forked antler and a spread under 13". The intention was to allow younger bucks to grow before allowing them to be killed. However in this area that means big-antlered bucks (about 2% of our deer), spike bucks, and does are legal. Few of our deer don't have the genetics to grow bigger racks, so they'll get killed while the smaller-racked deer pass on their genetics. I DID go to the TX Parks & Wildlife meeting and spoke against this but my concerns fell on deaf ears.

There were two small 4-pointers who came around regularly. Neither was afraid of me and I knew they saw me. I shot one of them 3 different times in the butt with a judo point, just out of spite. Does however were on full alert. Didn't matter if I was 25 feet up in a tree 35 yards away, full cammo'd, and motionless as a hippy when you offer them work; they busted me very time.

I only saw one legal buck all season. He walked through the front yard while I wasn't hunting but was gone before I could sneak out there.

Deer hunting ain't fair. The deer cheat.

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